Slash Commands

Slash Commands

Slash commands, also known as interaction commands, are a newer feature introduced by Discord that provide a more streamlined and user-friendly way for users to interact with bots. Unlike message commands, slash commands are invoked by typing / followed by the command name directly into the chat input box.

Project Structure

Now that we've already created the commands folder, let's add a folder named slashCommands inside it. Then, within the slashCommands folder, add another folder named general. Finally, inside the general folder, add ping.ts.


Our slash command structure is organized similarly to message commands, allowing for efficient code management and customization.

          • ping.ts
  • Create Ping Command

    Let's create a basic ping slash command to demonstrate how slash commands work. This command will respond with "Pong!" when invoked by the user.

    import { CommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js'
    import { COLORS, EMOJIS } from '../../../constants/botConst'
    import { SlashCommand } from '../../../interfaces/Command'
    const Ping: SlashCommand = {
      name: 'ping',
      description: 'Replies with pong!',
      data: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName('pong').setDescription('Replies with pong!'),
      async executeSlash(interaction: CommandInteraction) {
        const pEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
          .setTitle('ping Command')
          .setDescription(`${EMOJIS.success} pong there, I am Ping`)
        await interaction.reply({ embeds: [PingEmbed] })
      userPermissions: ['SendMessages'],
      botPermissions: ['SendMessages'],
      devOnly: false,
    export default Ping

    Slash command with 100% potential is under development this structure is come with 90% potential only. We are trying our best to acquire the 10% potential also.

    Slash Command Structure

    Here is an example of the structure of a slash command:

    import { CommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder, SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js'
    import { COLORS, EMOJIS } from '../../../constants/botConst'
    import { SlashCommand } from '../../../interfaces/Command'
    const string: SlashCommand = {
      name: string,
      description: string',
      data: new SlashCommandBuilder().setName(string).setDescription(string),
      async executeSlash(interaction: CommandInteraction) {
        const stringEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
        await interaction.reply({ embeds: [string] })
      userPermissions: [''],
      botPermissions: [''],
      devOnly: false/true,
    export default string

    We did not include any type of developer commands in Slash Commands. However, our command handler and event handler are well-structured and capable of handling both regular and developer commands. If you want to include a developer command in Slash Commands, you simply need to set the devOnly property to true. There's no need to add anything extra because our handlers are perfectly equipped to handle it.

    Alright! Go go ahead.