Message Commands

Message Commands

Message commands are traditional commands in Discord bots that users type directly into the chat. These commands are typically prefixed with a specific character (like !, ?, or any custom prefix you choose). When the bot detects a message starting with this prefix, it processes the command and executes the corresponding function. Message commands are straightforward and easy to use, making them a popular choice for many bot functionalities.

Project Structure

First, create a folder named commands inside the src folder. Then, inside the commands folder, create another folder named messageCommands. Inside this messageCommands folder, create a folder named general. Finally, inside the general folder, add a file named ping.ts


Our message command structure is organized into subdirectories, allowing for better code management and customization.

          • ping.ts
  • Create Ping Command

    Let's create a basic ping command to demonstrate how message commands work. This command will respond with "Pong!" when a user types !ping.

    import { EmbedBuilder, Message } from 'discord.js'
    import { COLORS, EMOJIS } from '../../../constants/botConst'
    import { MessageCommand } from '../../../interfaces/Command'
    const ping: MessageCommand = {
      name: 'ping',
      description: 'Replies with Ping!',
      async executeMessage(message: Message) {
        const pingEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
          .setTitle('ping Command')
          .setDescription(`${EMOJIS.success} Ping pong ping`)
        await{ embeds: [pingEmbed] })
      userPermissions: ['SendMessages'],
      botPermissions: ['SendMessages'],
      devOnly: false,
    export default ping

    For example purposes, I have used this ! prefix. However, in reality, this configuration comes into effect whenever the prefix is enabled. Remember, we have already set up our prefix inside the messageCreate event file inside the events folder, so now all these components are interconnected. We have imported constants from the constants folder and interfaces from the interfaces folder. Ensure that all the imports are correct and properly configured.

    Message Command Structure

    Now here are the example of the command structure make sure all of your message command will follow this structure.

    import { EmbedBuilder, Message } from 'discord.js'
    import { COLORS, EMOJIS } from '../../../constants/botConst'
    import { MessageCommand } from '../../../interfaces/Command'
    const string: MessageCommand = {
      name: string,
      description: string,
      async executeMessage(message: Message) {
        const stringEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
        await{ embeds: [string] })
      userPermissions: [''],
      botPermissions: [''],
      devOnly: false / true,
    export default string

    Now, in the blank spaces, you can add whatever you want. Feel free to modify this command structure to suit your needs.

    Developer Command

    The Developer Command is a type of command that is restricted to developers only. To enable a command as a Developer Command, you simply need to set the devOnly property to true.

    Alright, now let's go further!