Creating the Core
The index.ts
file is the heart of your bot. It serves as the entry point for your application, initializing and configuring the bot to connect to Discord and start responding to events
and commands
Project Structure
Now, inside the src
directory, add a file named index.ts
- index.ts
Creating index.ts
This is the main file, or we can say the core file, of the bot.
import { Client, Collection, GatewayIntentBits } from 'discord.js'
import { ExtendedClient } from './interfaces/ExtendedClient'
import { logBrightPink } from 'nstypocolors'
import config from './configs/botConfig'
import { commandHandler } from './handlers/commandHandler'
import { eventHandlers } from './events/eventIndex'
const client = new Client({
intents: [
}) as ExtendedClient
client.slashCommands = new Collection()
client.messageCommands = new Collection() = new Collection()
.then(() => logBrightPink('Successfully connected all the commands and the bot is online'))
.catch((err: string) => console.error('Failed to login: ' + err))
Feel free to customize this setup to suit your needs. You can add additional intents, configurations, or other settings to enhance the functionality of your bot.
Ensure that you have imported everything correctly and that you have defined your client
Now open your terminal and enter:
npm run execute
Congratualations, finally your app (bot) is online.
Live Example
Here is the live example of our Power Op (opens in a new tab) app based on nsCore. You can add this app on your server!
Thank You
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in github.