Getting Started

Getting Started

Follow these steps:

To add the app to your server, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the invitation link (opens in a new tab) provided by the app's developer.
  2. Select the server where you want to add the app or install it on your account.
  3. Authorize the app with the necessary permissions.

Ensure the app has the correct permissions to perform its tasks effectively.


At the time of installation, nsCore won't ask for administrative permissions. To enhance security for your Discord server, we have set the app like this. However, if you want to use the administrative features, you can check out the required permissions in the respective commands docs!


We highly suggest giving only the necessary required permissions, don't give unnecessary permissions!

Message Commands

The prefix of our nsCore app is ns., we tried our best to keep it simple and unique!

As this documentation serves as Power Op's docs, it's necessary for you to know that the prefix of Power Op app is Op., this isn't mentioned in the command docs section, so don't panic!

Slash Commands

Currently, we don't support slash commands completely, also, a very low number of people are using slash commands, so we didn't focus much on them! But soon, all the commands will support interactions too!


Thank you

  • I hope this documentation will help you! Happy using!